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Thursday, July 28, 2016

Intro video for Independent Audiobook Creation

The first video in my Independent Audiobook Creation series is up. It's a touch over 5 minutes long, and just gives a little background about where I'm going with the process.

Let me know what you think!

Tomorrow's episode 2 will cover basic terminology & sound concepts, primarily those that are used at ACX.

Episode 3 will cover my hardware setup, and suggest changes you might make in your own setup, and I intend to have that video up by Monday evening (MST).

Episode 4 will cover the software toolchain, and cover the recording and initial editing steps I use.

Episode 5 will cover the filters and engineering manipulations I use to enhance and prepare the audio files for submission.

And, finally, Episode 6 will be a basic summary of the episodes 2–5, and wrap up the process.

Hope you enjoy them, and that I'm able to help at least one of you in your process!

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