As many of you remember, I published the e-Book version of Hooray for Pain! on Amazon last August. The terms of the original publishing arrangement meant that I had to give Amazon exclusive e-book rights for a time, which is now expired, and I'd like to make an offer to anyone who is interested in reviewing the book for the Amazon store:
Contact me via private message on Facebook, and let me know if you're interested in receiving a review copy of the book. The book is identical to the one on the store, with the exception of the cover art. If you don't have a Kindle device, there is the Kindle app on your iOS, Android, PC, or Mac; if you would prefer a different format, contact me via Facebook and we'll work out details.
There is no caveat, but I would like to ask one favor: if you request a review copy, and enjoy the book, please put a review of the book up on the Amazon site: ; if you request a review copy, and don't enjoy it, let me know (and why, if you can), and I'll endeavor to make it a better publication.
The Official Blog of author Bacil Donovan Warren. Announcements, publications, reviews, and a report on the possibilities of writing and publishing in the Cloud Era.
Affiliate Disclosure
Some of the links on this page may be affiliate links, and I will make a small amount of money when you click on them, or buy the product. I have not been paid to review any products, nor have I been given any products for free in exchange for a review, and any affiliate links that may be present will not change the price you pay for an item.