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Monday, July 25, 2016

CloudAge™ Author news: Scrivener for iOS is finally released!

After a many-year-long wait, Literature and Latte has released the iOS version of their outstanding writing software, Scrivener. Although I have not yet had a chance to purchase & use it—when I do, I will bring you a full review, of course!—all of the reviews I've run across have been very positive.

According to L&L, the software will sync (through Dropbox) with your macOS, Windows, and all iOS devices (those that it can run on, naturally), as long as the macOS or Windows versions are the latest (macOS: version 2.8, Windows: version 1.9.5). It requires iOS 9.0 or higher, and will run on the iPhone albeit with a few features missing (corkboard, for example).

If you've been thinking about transitioning to Scrivener, and have been waiting for the iOS version (maybe you have a desktop at home and bought an iPad instead of a laptop), then now seems like the perfect time to do so!

If you're already using it, share your experiences below and let everyone know how it's working for you. After I've had a chance to grab a copy myself, I will blog on some of the things that are likely to be most important, such as how it works as a daily-use writing tool, sharing for edits (with other Scrivener users, for example), research & writing, and preparing for submissions & publication.

On an only tangentially related topic, I am still working on getting my workflow perfected for my audiobook, and am still aiming for a blog entry tomorrow on that subject. Stay tuned!

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