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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Coming Attractions

So I'm working on a few different projects as an author, but also on some blog-specific ideas and directions, and I wanted to give everyone a head's-up on what some of the coming attractions are in the blogosphere.

Tuesdays are now Reviewdays. Yeah I don't see that catching on either, but what the heck, let's see if we can start a trend. Tuesday blogs will be on one of the aspects of writing, publishing, or sides of the Cloud Age author, starting with a post later today about free Cloud storage options, how they work, and how I think they rank. Next week's entry will be a broad comparison of some free text editing tools, and the following week I'll cover some not-free but inexpensive writing tools, and both of them will cover briefly how to make the Cloud storage work with those tools.

Wednesdays I will cover in-depth a specific tool that I find useful, whether it's a computer-based software package or an indispensable  iPad app, or even a book, website, or other blog that I've come to rely on as an author.

Fridays are Plot Points, and will cover backstory items for my current projects, including character sketches or places, perhaps a snippet of a chapter I'm writing, or historical or other background information. Also, Plot Points could be a Q&A, so if you have any questions about any of my books, or their characters or history, feel free to ask!

I am still awaiting final information about the publishing of at eBook I wrote about Paramedics in the United States, and when that information is released to me I will make sure to share it with you here!

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