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Wednesday, August 24, 2016

New poem: Perfectly Broken

As regular readers of my Cogitations are well aware, I have my hands in many pies: Novels, Memoirs, videos, audiobooks, and CloudAge™ Author things. But first, and foremost, I am a poet, and I wanted to share my latest:

Perfectly Broken

— Bacil Donovan Warren

Sitting on the lawn, at the breaking dawn,
Happy in the company we keep;
I bathe in your soul on that grassy knoll
While breathing the breath of my own.

Two people apart, but sharing one heart,
Happy in the company we keep;
As lovers we talk, as friends we will walk—
And I breathe the breath of my soul.

Not perfect we are, but know from afar—
Happy in the company we keep—
That mistakes are made, and angers mislaid:
And still will I breathe on my own.

For even if we are so meant to be
Happy in the company we keep,
Each of us now must learn how to adjust
As I keep the breath of my soul.

It comes from within, leaks out with a grin,
Happy in the company we keep;
Leave it unspoken: “perfectly broken”
As I remain true to my soul.

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