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Monday, April 4, 2016

"The Past"—New for National Poetry Month

New for National Poetry Month, a poem: "The Past"

The Past

—Bacil Donovan Warren

Your wounding edges scrape
And through scraping, reveal deep things
Tendons and veins and arteries
Bones and blood and brain
But also fears and searing anger
Hate—love—acidic regret
Emotional ties, long since cut and left for dead
Are resurrected, vampiric in their frenzy of awakening and rebirth.
Cycles of pulsating energy
Melancholy, tear-stained missing
And overly joyous rejoining
These things, revealed to air and light
Turn into a muted, ruddy mess
Crimson and gleaming to start
Dark, sticky, and thick at the end
Suffocating coat of coagulated
Choking out the life and breath of the

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