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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Thoughts of Beauty Wandering (a poem)

Thoughts of Beauty Wandering
—A poem by Bacil Donovan Warren

I caught my thoughts a’saunter, as sometimes they will do
Across a heather field, all soft with morning dew 
Within my sight, her form approached; from Heav’n itself it seems
Her silhouette a perfect shape; the woman of my dreams.

She stands before my vision with her light brown hair askew
The gentle curve of her cheekbones, her eyes of pale blue
They don’t just see the man I am, they see the me inside—
The person I am meant to be, I can no longer hide.

As toes, buried in beach sand, are eventually revealed,
So she reminds me, every day, not to keep concealed
All the things I am within, the bad along the good—
To reach the heights I seek, upon her shoulders I have stood.

And even though it seems as if she’s disappeared from sight,
I know the woman that I love has given my dreams flight.

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