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Some of the links on this page may be affiliate links, and I will make a small amount of money when you click on them, or buy the product. I have not been paid to review any products, nor have I been given any products for free in exchange for a review, and any affiliate links that may be present will not change the price you pay for an item.

Friday, November 30, 2012

New blog, new purpose

As a person who believes someone in the world cares about ( and maybe, even hangs on breathlessly waiting for) what I think and do, like seemingly most of us in the Internet Age (see: Facebook as a Platform for Self-Promotion), and as a person who has made at least the semi-permanent change toward a profession of writing and documenting that writing, here lies the most recent effort to combine these two truths:

Cogitations by a Semi-Professional Wordsmith. Or, my experiences in transitioning to a writer, and occasional teasers of my work.

To start, let me note that I'm doing two things here. First, and most importantly to me, I am writing. Getting it out of my system, getting it out on "paper", getting the creative process started and continued, especially in moments of crippling doubt and frozen thought (the so-called "block"). Second, I am hoping to also document the process of writing using as much cloud-only content as possible; that is, I am hoping that my blood will paint the way to the future of writers who buy iPads (and to a lesser degree, any mobile writing platform regardless of operating system) and use them as their primary tool for composing the Next Great American Novel. To that end, you will occasionally find reviews of books on writing, tools used on the iPad, or in the cloud, and techniques to write effectively in this mode.

Welcome on my journey.

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