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Thursday, January 7, 2016

Coming up

Just wanted to give you a head's up about my upcoming Cogitations. First, I'm doing a few scenario-based Scrivener compiles:  a fiction novel-length book for revising (print), then submission (Word), then compiled for Kindle Direct Publishing and epub for Smashwords. To keep the length on each one down, I'll probably do it in three posts (one for print, one for Word, and one for the e-book formats). The first one will be up later tonight or tomorrow morning.

Next, I'm going to do the same for a non-fiction book with images, and point out some problems I ran into (mostly due to my own naiveté) and how I solved them.

So that's the direction I'm taking for the next few postings, hopefully when I get those up the whole process of compiling in Scrivener will be much easier to do and understand!

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