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Friday, June 21, 2013

Hansen's Roughriders: The Beginning

"It was here, and it was now. Here was the place where Hansen's Roughriders was born; here, after this reverse-slope disaster on the plains of Ilion V, where the 12th Atrean Dragoons pitched a furious defense for Anton Marik and were betrayed by a coward. Now was the time where I first started to feel the slip; where my thoughts first left the scene of the carnage and skipped like a six-year-old girl across the landscape of my deteriorating mind."

So begins Hansen's Roughriders: The Beginning, my new novel. It details the formation and initial history of the classic BattleTech® unit, Hansen's Roughriders, and their initial foray into mercenary work. It's a novel I've been working on, off and on, for several years, and I am hoping to get the first draft of it finished by the end of NaNoWriMo this year (2013, for reference ;).

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